A group exhibition in an old maximum security prison in Horsens Denmark, here I was apart of two different installations. First a solo installation. And second a group installation with Hans F. Beck and Martin Erik Andersen.
Bring back the heavyweights
These two pages that was in the catalogue for the exhibition a picture to the left and a poem to the right, this was accompanied with a live sound piece installation in the courtyard of the prison. The project was made with the intention to try and understand a alternative psychology of why working out and building your muscles in the prison is so important.
I went to the new maximum security prison outside of Horsens called Ennermark Fængsel, there i interviewed a prisoner who also did time in the old prison and most important used the old workout room. I also interview two prison guards who also worked and guarded in the old prison and work out room, to get two perspectives of the room.
The white speaker above the doorway into the small garden, there is another one on the other side as well.
Group installation
A replacement, displacement or mirror movement of the old workout machines from the prisons fitness room, the machines was standing there as contemporary relics an installation of objects. The objects was mostly made by the inmates. the displacement of the object gave us the opportunity to treat them as art objects and change the perspective of how these metal construction emit livelihood or right of being.
"HOMF234 (Item No. 0234X001 - 0234X012), fight to fit - fit to fight
Martin Erik Andersen (b. 1954), Hans F. Beck (b. 1986), Gilbert Gordon (b.1984)
Material: Utensils from the gym.
The work consists of a relocation and curation of selected parts of the inventory from the prison's gym for prisoners, which since the prison closed in 2006 and up to today, have been locked and untouched. The gear, some of which have been refurbished by the prisoners, has risen and rises again as past due sculptural monuments in a misunderstood and forgotten space and forms a picture of a potential post-apocalyptic past, contemporary or future. Many years of hard human interaction with the tools are clear and you realize that numerous personal stories are stored in these. The objectivity of the objects is also extremely present, not least due to the wear and corrosion of the tools, among other things. created by many years of sweat deposition.
The installation deals with values n a locked and predominantly imprisoned prison, as well as in the surrounding community that seems to move at a different pace. The work relates to the history of prison and comment on museum grip and mediation. The title is the term "gymnasium collection" would have had it taken in the Horsens museum's official prison collection.
The installation was created in collaboration between Gilbert Gordon, Hans F. Beck and Martin Erik Andersen.
"HOMF234 (Genstand nr. 0234X001 - 0234X012), fight to fit - fit to fight
Martin Erik Andersen (f. 1954), Hans F. Beck(f.1986), Gilbert Gordon(f.1984)
Materiale: Redskaber fra fitnessrum.
Værket består af en relokation og kuratering af udvalgte dele af inventaret fra fængslets fitnessrum for fanger, som siden fængslet lukkede i 2006 og frem til i dag, har stået aflåst og uberørt. Redskaberne, hvoraf enkelte er renoveret af de indsatte fanger, har rejst sig og rejser sig nu igen, som forfaldne skulpturelle monumenter i et misligeholdt og glemt rum og danner et billede af en potentiel postapokalyptisk fortid, samtid eller fremtid. Mange års hård menneskelig interaktion med redskaberne er tydelig og man fornemmer at talrige personlige historier er lagret i disse. Objekternes tidslighed er endvidere yderst nærværende, ikke mindst pga. redskabernes slitage og korrosion, bl.a. skabt af mange års svedaflejring.
Installationen beskæftiger sig med værdier i et aflåst og overvejende stillestående fængsel, såvel som i det omkringliggende samfund der synes at bevæge sig i et andet tempo. Værket forholder sig til fængslets historie og kommenterer samtidig på museale greb og mediering. Titlen er er den betegnelse "fitnesrums samlingen" ville have haft, var den optaget i Horsens museums officielle fængselssamling.
Installationen er skabt i samarbejde mellem Gilbert Gordon, Hans F. Beck og Martin Erik Andersen.